Friday, June 22, 2007

Apple Safari

I haven't tried it yet but soon. So what's the big deal about another web browser for Windows users? My take on this is... none really. Firefox is more than competent and version 3.0 is shaping up nicely. If there was no iPhone, there would be no Windows version of Safari. Some analysts say Apple is enticing users to come over to the Mac side of the fence. Maybe, but I think that's incidental. Sure, it can happen but the real deal right now is iPhone. The only way to develop apps for the iPhone is through Safari so that's where the action will be, if Apple gets its way.

Apple claims there have been 1 million downloads for the first 48 hours after its release. I say that's a victory for choice. Now, if only Apple will lower the prices of Macs....


Jackie said...

I prefer Firefox and IE7 to Safari. Firefox is used to browse and IE7 is used to work.As if Safari is not as good as I have imagined.

Hapless Technoguy said...

If I had my way, I'd be using Firefox exclusively. As it is, I need IE for work. So most of the time, I have both open.